
The roof installer will provide a warranty and maintenance agreement that you should review and understand. Should you have a roof warranty issue, contact them directly. To highlight use and care, a few important items of note follow. It is not recommended to walk on the roof excessively to prevent damage to the shingles. Also, please be mindful of the dangerous heights involved in traversing the roof top and wear appropriate fall protection or hire a professional to conduct any roof work or inspection. Due to the climate and weather in the Pacific Northwest, it is common for moss to grow on the roof. Regular removal of moss will increase the life of your roof.

Gutters & Downspouts

Maintenance of gutters and downspouts are the requirement of the homeowner. Regularly cleaning of pine needles, leaves, and other debris from the gutters will keep the water runoff from your home flowing through the gutter to the downspout and not overflowing over the edge of the gutter. Water runoff over the edge of the gutter due to lack of cleaning could cause staining on your siding/exterior paint and is not covered by your warranty. Additionally, clogged downspouts caused by lack of gutter maintenance are not covered by your warranty. Water from downspouts are directed underground and away from your foundation. The level of the above ground portion of the underground piping is set to code and adding additional dirt or rocks to bring the ground level up around the piping is not recommended.

Grading & Drainage

The land surrounding your home has been graded so that the water will run away from your home. This has been inspected by the County to meet code requirements. Should you change the fall of the land surrounding your home, it could cause water to run toward your home and collect under the foundation. This is not advisable. Homeowner changes to grading against the foundation will void warranty claims, as well as subsequent damaged caused by such changes.