5706 Bethel Road SE

Port Orchard, WA 98367

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Efflorescence is a common byproduct of brick, and this white substance can usually be removed with a scrub brush. Other than that, regular maintenance is typically limited to repairing mortar between the brick as years of wear occur.  This is a common occurrence and is not warranty related. Large mortar cracks (greater than 3/8 inch) occurring within the first year will be fixed under warranty.

Windows, Screens & Patio Doors

Condensation between the two panes of a double-pane window indicates that there’s either a cracked window or a broken seal. Please see the manufacturer’s warranty for broken seals. During customer review at move-in, windows, screens, and glass doors will be accepted by the homeowner. Should you break a window, contact a glass dealer for a replacement and installation. This is not a warranty item. Windows can be washed using a window cleaner. Keep window frame tracks clear of debris as it could cause the windows and doors to not slide smoothly. Dirt in the window frame will allow condensation to pool instead of flowing out of the small holes designed to channel away the water.